Home » Vietnamese Mail Order Brides: The Best Vietnamese Wife Are Here!
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Vietnamese mail order brides are petite dolls that are sent from heaven to make all the men happy. So, how do you start chatting with Vietnamese mail order wives in the world of online dating? You can find all the facts you need in this condensed guide, created by our team of experts and me, Barrett Connell.

💘 Success rate84%
🇻🇳 % of men who choose Vietnamese girls69%
👍 Which dating sites do they recommend SakuraDate
👧 Average age 24
💳 Credit costFrom $2.99
💰 Average costFrom $2,700
✅ LegalityYes
❓ Why Vietnamese bride?Communicative, alluring, smart 

If you can no longer wait to talk to your Vietnamese bride, you can choose one of the top dating sites from our list or take a personalized quiz to know which datings service matches your taste.

Vietnamese mail order brides are pretty as pictures. Start dating them, and you will never regret it.

What are real Vietnamese mail order wives like?

The unique appearance and Eastern charm of Vietnamese ladies make many Westerners want to meet a mail order wife from Vietnam. But what makes them so desired? How so many guys from Western countries travel the continents to have a chance with Vietnamese mail oder wives. We gathered core traits and peculiarities of their mentality that will help you understand what real Vietnamese mail order brides are like.

  • Blessed with Eastern beauty. Stunning appearance is the number one reason why Westerns want to get a Vietnamese mail order bride. Their flawless skin, luscious hair, and curvy petite bodies complement each other perfectly, creating an incredible signature look.
  • Caring and responsible. Gorgeous oversea brides from Vietnam are not afraid of taking up responsibilities around the house and caring for kids. Beautiful Vietnamese brides don’t mind the traditional division of duties and also prefer to work and not be stay-at-home mums to also support the family financially.
  • Calm and open to compromise. Family life is impossible without conflicts and sooner or later that will test your relationship. Also, international marriages are prone to more conflicts due to differences in mentalities and cultures. However, being with a Vietnamese girl for marriage, it will be hard for you to feel the difference. The wisdom of women from Vietnam, help them to resolve conflicts through communication and compromise.

We named only some peculiarities of a typical Vietnamese woman for marriage that make her so special in the eyes of foreign men. To get the full picture of Vietnamese women for sale you need to learn more about their culture and mindset.

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Critical Vietnamese wives statistics

Since a lot of men start dating Vietnamese brides nowadays, it’s critical to understand what you can expect from these women. Let’s take a look at some facts and statistics to have a more comprehensive understanding of the motivation of local brides and the overall situation in relationships between Western men and Vietnamese women:

  • About 1,782 Vietnamese women came to the US in 2019
  • Vietnamese girls get married at a young age, usually at around 18–23 years
  • The research suggests that Vietnamese girls opt for marrying foreigners because they’re looking for “personal happiness and comfort”
  • Most Vietnamese women decide to marry foreign men because they want to love and be loved, and Western men have fewer requirements and are more open-minded than local guys
Vietnam mail order bride

Appearance of Vietnamese brides: Are they as beautiful as they are described?

Many guys interested in Vietnamese women for marriage want to find them just because these girls look stunningly attractive. Indeed, outer beauty is one of the most common reasons so many foreign men want to find Vietnamese brides for sale. And this reason is rather obvious and understandable. Girls from Vietnam possess unique beauty even among Asian girls for marriage. For example, girls from Vietnam have rather lightly tanned skin, round faces, big smiles, and mesmerizing eyes. Just like most Asian women, Vietnamese brides are petite and slim. However, many Vietnamese mail brides can be relatively high, which is rare in Asia.

Vietnam mail order wife

Vietnamese girls don’t like to expose parts of their bodies, so you will often see girls wearing clothes covering the whole body. With the exceptional popularity of plastic surgery in countries like Japan, Korea, and China, modern women of Vietnam also have cosmetic surgery to enhance their beauty.

Character of a Vietnam wife: What to expect?

Vietnamese ladies for marriage can be described as energetic, vibrant, pragmatic, proud, dedicated, and dynamic women who want to build a family above all. Girls from Vietnam are exceptionally friendly and sociable, so you shouldn’t have any problems building a strong and happy relationship with her online. It is not difficult to be with a Vietnam wife since she is easy-going and broad-minded. Moreover, marrying a Vietnamese woman is easy since she is hard-working and family-oriented. Vietnamese brides for sale respect and honor their husbands, so you will enjoy marrying a woman from this country.

Why do Western men fall for Vietnamese mail order brides?

It’s hard to resist the charm of Vietnamese girls for marriage because these ladies are attractive both inside and out. Men often say that mail order Vietnamese brides have all the personality traits they could ask for, and the appearances of these beauties are simply breathtaking. It’s probably impossible to point out all the reasons why Vietnamese women charm Western men, but these are some of the most common causes;

  1. Vietnamese girls are hard-working. They don’t expect men to bring everything to them on a silver platter. Vietnamese girls for sale set goals and achieve them no matter what.
  2. Vietnamese ladies are quick-witted. If there’s a problem that requires an urgent solution, your Vietnamese lover will evaluate the situation from all points and effectively address the issue.
  3. Vietnamese women are kind-hearted. You won’t have misunderstandings with a local wife because she’ll always be ready to discuss any misunderstanding to achieve a consensus.  

Also, the natural beauty of Vietnamese ladies leaves men charmed, so once you meet your soulmate, you won’t be able to forget her.  

❤️ Success stories with Vietnamese girls

Paul and Van

Paul and Van

I joined this dating website on an impulse and saw Van’s profile in my first hour there. To be honest, she was the exact opposite of the women I used to date: she was tiny, dark-haired, and already divorced and with two kids at 25. But something about her really captivated me, so I started talking to her. Soon I realized that she was the woman I needed to be happy with. I’m not a guy who makes rash decisions, so I took my time and spoke to her online for 9 months. Still, I was ready to propose right away. And when I did, she reacted exactly as I hoped — a 100% certain “yes”.

Begin your story
Edward and Lam

Edward and Lam

I’ve dated some wonderful women in my life, but our relationship would always break down because we ultimately wanted different things in life. And because I’ve frequently visited Vietnam for work, I knew that Vietnamese girls were exactly the kind of women I needed. I came to this realization during the early COVID days, so it wasn’t like I could just get on a plane and go to Vietnam. I went with online dating instead. Turned out it was exactly the right decision. Lam and I were a perfect match from the start, and we’ve never had a disagreement in over a year of dating, which is something that has never happened to me before.

Begin your story
Larry and Chi

Larry and Chi

I am convinced that meeting Chi was written in the stars for me. I could have joined any dating site in the world, but I joined the one where she already was. But instead of me noticing her, she noticed and messaged me first. This was how our love story started. And it only got better from there. We’ve been together for 18 months, and I’ve spent a total of three months in Vietnam with Chi. Now we are getting ready to get married in the US, and I can’t wait for that to happen.

Begin your story

Why does a Vietnam girl for marriage seek a foreign husband online?

The reasons why girls from Vietnam are eager to look for a foreign husband are various. Most Vietnamese brides just want to have a better life. It can be challenging to find a perfect husband who can provide for the family in Vietnam, so many girls use mail order bride services to find a proper online husband.

The second most common reason is that online dating is heavily popular in Vietnam. Thousands of young and beautiful Vietnamese women for marriage know how many single guys are there in the United States. The love of Vietnamese brides for American men is obvious, which is why you can find and buy a Vietnamese bride that easily!

gorgeous Vietnamese women for marriage

Vietnamese brides are legal and real, and there are many happy couples whose stories prove this. Yet, some people believe that mail order brides industry has something to do with human trafficking. But they’re mistaken because there are thousands of legit dating platforms full of Vietnamese women dreaming about meeting their Western husbands. 

You can try using a reliable mail order brides site to see for yourself that such services aren’t related to illegal activities and that the women communicating with you are the real ladies wanting to find their soulmates.  

Where to get a Vietnamese mail order bride?

With modern technologies finding a reputable Vietnamese mail order bride is a piece of cake. You can order a Vietnamese bride online, by joining a specialized dating site, or you can have a great adventure traveling to the country itself.

  • Traveling to Vietnam. Adventure to a distant country may be a great way to have a vacation. But you need to be ready to put your life on hold and take at least a two-week trip. Also, without professional help, you need to do thorough research to know where to go and how to buy a Vietnamese mail order bride if you are in the country. Otherwise, you’ll be just relying on luck and your chances to meet someone special will be the same as in your local area.
  • Joining a dating site or app. Thankfully, online dating makes it easy to find a Vietnamese for foreign husband. You can find and register to a reliable dating site in under 10 minutes and dive into the love search right away. Also, it’s available to everyone, regardless of where you live in the world, and dating sites usually offer a lot of useful tools, features, and services that make international dating effective, comfortable, and fun.

Note that the search for a beautiful girl from Vietnam might take some time and effort regardless of the dating way you choose, but it’s definitely worth it.

What is the average Vietnamese bride cost?

If you are thinking about buy a wife from Vietnam, you are definitely stumped with the question: “How much do Vietnamese mail order brides cost?”. There are many factors affecting the cost of getting a bride because each man has specific preferences. But we can point out the average numbers, and these are the following:

Dating site services (per 6 months) $600
Round-trip ticket $1,200
Accommodation $700
Food $450
Entertainment $480
Documents $1,500
Wedding ceremony $8,000
Total sum: $12,950

What kind of wife can your mail order Vietnamese bride be?

To build happy and strong relationships, you need to know more about what kind of Viet wife your woman from Vietnam is going to be. In this section, we will try to answer all the important questions and offer you general characteristics of a good Vietnam wife. Although not all girls will fit this description, we believe that it won’t be difficult for you to finding a wife in Vietnam who has all these qualities! Let’s take a look at what you should expect from your Vietnam wife!

How will she treat you?

A good Vietnam wife is a woman who respects and honors her husband. Being married to a girl from this country means being the head of the family. You will be the most important person in your wife’s life, so you can expect to be treated perfectly. A Vietnam girl for sell is usually rather calm and quiet, so no dramas or fights will be common.

Communication with your friends and family

Since an average Vietnam mail order bride is rather open-minded and easy-going, it won’t be difficult for her to find common ground with your family and friends. If your parents and friends can accept a woman from another country, you will be the happiest person on the planet. Vietnamese women honor and love their husbands’ parents, so there shouldn’t be any problems. As long as your friends and family treat your Vietnam girl for sell right, she will be open and friendly to them.

Will she be a good wife?

Vietnam wives online

She will be a perfect wife. Vietnam mail order bride is a woman who knows how to be supportive, honest, loyal, and respectful. A good Vietnamese wife is a girl who has all the qualities and characteristics needed to build a happy and harmonious family. She is hard-working, humble, and dedicated. She won’t demand anything from you. Furthermore, she will be rather obeying and submissive, although it shouldn’t be a sign for you to start disrespecting your wife. It is not difficult to find a perfect Vietnam wife, and when you do, you will see how excellent and phenomenal your relationship will be!

What is it like to be in relationships with Vietnamese ladies?

Once meeting a man and communicating with him for a while, a Vietnamese bride starts thinking about whether she can build a serious relationship with him. She has strong family values, so she’s looking for a partner who will also be interested in creating a healthy family. As for what your personal life will be like when you’re together with a local girl, let’s take a closer look at the following aspects:

Family life

Vietnamese women dream about building a happy family from a  young age. They obtain all the skills men usually expect their wives to have. Also, these girls are good with kids and time management. So, you can be confident you’ll always enjoy delicious food, your house will be cozy, and your kids will always be surrounded with attention.

Household tasks

Vietnamese girls are amazing brides because they easily manage the housekeeping. They are great cooks and always make sure everything’s neat and tidy. Your house will be the most welcoming and comfortable place ever.

Meeting with friends

Your friends will be delighted to meet your future Vietnamese wife, and you can be confident she’ll charm them from the first seconds because her charisma is magnetic. She can find a common language with anyone, so your friends will feel like they’ve known your soulmate for years.


Each Vietnamese bride has her preferences and attitudes to intimacy, so the best thing you can do is to discuss your expectations to understand whether you have similar views on this topic.


Once Vietnamese ladies marry foreign men, they start thinking about having kids because these girls adore children, and they have all the knowledge required to raise a child. Your kids will be the happiest because their mom will know how to take good care of them. 

How to create a profile that will attract Vietnamese girls?

The first impression is the last impression, so if you want to make a Vietnamese mail order wife respond to your text, you have to create an engaging profile that will catch her attention. Yet, you don’t have to worry that it will take too much time. This is an easy and exciting activity that will help you understand more about yourself. 

So, these are some of the points you should tick when setting up a profile on the mail order brides website:

  • Upload a high-quality photo where your face is clearly seen
  • Add several other pictures of yourself, for example, from the rips or those on which you’re engaged in activities of your interest (e.g., a photo from the mountains if you like rock climbing, or picture with a rod if you’re into fishing)
  • Specify your interests and hobbies to let the ladies understand what kind of a person you’re right away and see if you have something in common
  • Think of a few sentences that describe you perfectly and add them to your profile
  • Include a conversational opening 

When creating a profile, remember that it’s critical to keep the balance. What matters to Vietnamese brides for marriage is your personality, not the number of achievements you list on your profile. Be clear, concise, and humble because that’s the best strategy to winning Vietnamese women’s hearts. 

How to impress a Vietnam mail order bride online?

If you dream about meeting an ideal Vietnamese wife, you need to get to know your lover better, find out about her preferences. The thing is that local women adore attentive and caring men who notice small details about them. And if you want to make one of these ladies fall for you, it’s vital to make her feel special and prove that you’re interested in building relationships with her.

Some of the go-to tips that will help you establish a romantic relationship with a Vietnamese woman are the following:

  • Ask questions, listen to the answers, and try keeping the conversation flowing by opening up to the lady
  • Use your sense of humor when it’s appropriate because it’s a good way to build a strong connection and feel comfortable around each other
  • Don’t be afraid to share personal stories if you understand that you can trust the lady because she will highly appreciate your efforts

You should pay attention to the personality traits of your foreign partner to understand what things are appropriate to say and what actions will positively affect your relationships. 

What else to do to impress Vietnamese women for marriage?

If you dream about meeting an ideal Vietnamese wife, you need to get to know your lover better, find out about her preferences. The thing is that local women adore attentive and caring men who notice small details about them. And if you want to make one of these ladies fall for you, it’s vital to make her feel special and prove that you’re interested in building relationships with her.

Vietnamese brides for marriage

Some of the go-to tips that will help you establish a romantic relationship with a Vietnamese woman are the following:

  • Ask questions, listen to the answers, and try keeping the conversation flowing by opening up to the lady
  • Use your sense of humor when it’s appropriate because it’s a good way to build a strong connection and feel comfortable around each other
  • Don’t be afraid to share personal stories if you understand that you can trust the lady because she will highly appreciate your efforts

You should pay attention to the personality traits of your foreign partner to understand what things are appropriate to say and what actions will positively affect your relationships. 

Language barrier

About 81% of the Vietnamese population speaks English, which means you aren’t likely to face communication issues when chatting with a soulmate from this country. Besides, Vietnam is a country that specializes in tourism, implying that if locals want to work and earn money, they have to be able to communicate with the foreigners arriving in the country. So, western men can easily discuss any topics with their Vietnamese lovers because the girls will eagerly take any opportunity to practice their English.

Communication with Vietnam wives: What topics to choose?

Since Vietnam wives are broad-minded and easy-going, there are many topics that you can select to have a great time. Some general subjects can include:

  • Talk about your wife’s family
  • Ask about your wife’s goals and expectations
  • Learn what your bride likes the most

Avoid talking about religions and politics, and you will be fine! It is not difficult to chat with a Vietnam girl for sell! Just remember to be open and polite.

Vietnamese Mail Order wives

Examples of conversations with beautiful Vietnamese girls

If you’re worried that a language barrier or different cultural backgrounds might hinder your communication with a Vietnamese girl, these are some examples of conversations with the ladies to inspire you to click the “send a message” button:

  • Hi! I’ve noticed you adore cooking. Could you tell me more about your favorite cuisine?
  • Hey there! I adore your name, Cai. Does it have a specific meaning? I’d really like to know more about it.
  • Hello, fellow traveler! I see that you’re into visiting different places. Guess what? So am I! What destination impressed you the most so far?

As you can see, starting a conversation with a Vietnamese woman is easy, especially if you understand what you have in common. Besides, you can use communication tools offered by the website to facilitate your chats.

How to avoid Vietnamese brides scam?

You should be careful not to fall for a well-thought-out scam. Protect yourself from communicating with fraudsters by following these steps:

  1. Look through the website to see what services it offers
  2. Compare the prices on several platforms to understand the average cost
  3. Search other users’ reviews 
  4. Pay attention to girls’ messages to see if there aren’t any similar message structures
  5. Ask the girl to communicate via a call or a video chat
  6. Don’t send money
  7. Never share your personal data

Vietnamese ladies for marriage and their attitude to relationships and family

Vietnamese dating is quite traditional, which means that men are usually this country tend to see their partner not only as a boyfriend or husband but as someone to follow and trust. Also, Vietnamese ladies take relationships very seriously, as women’s reputations can easily be ruined in society.

Interesting fact: many Vietnamese women prefer older men. They prefer to be with a partner who is 5 or 10 years older than younger.

More mature men are usually considered ready for full commitment and more financially and emotionally stable. So, if you are into younger women and were afraid that you won’t have chances with stunning singles from Vietnam, now you know the truth.

Moreover, the attitude towards family is even more serious. Women tend to start dating men who they potentially see as their future husbands, which is why many of them end up marrying. Vietnamese wives are very devoted to their loved ones and will always surround them with care and support. Also, women tend to want bigger families, so if you love kids, you should get a Vietnamese wife.

foreign brides from Vietnam

Tips for having a great date with a Vietnamese lady

If you want to meet Vietnamese brides and make a date unforgettable, you need to put effort into impressing your soulmate. Yet, it’s not as hard as it might seem because local girls aren’t demanding. 

Topics to discuss with a Vietnamese woman on a date

A date will be successful and exciting if you discuss these topics:

  • Her favorite places to visit
  • Whom she wanted to be as a child
  • Is she a cat or a dog person
  • What is the most vital personality trait in her opinion
  • The things that bring her the most joy

The gifts will make her say “aww”

Your girl will definitely fall for you if you surprise her with one of these presents:

  • Bouquet with her favorite flowers
  • Essential oils kit
  • Customized accessories
  • Nice cushions (e.g., with a photo of both of you)
  • Romantic book
  • Perfume, the smell of which resembles her in your opinion

Places to visit with your lover in her country

Choosing the right place for your date can help you get additional bonus points, so consider these destinations:

  • Halong Bay
  • Hue
  • Phu Quoc
  • Hanoi
  • Hoi An

Can you go to Vietnam?

Sure! You can go to Vietnam once you and your bride are ready to take your relationships to another level. Visiting her in her country is a great way to understand whether your expectations about each other match the reality, and to decide if you’re ready to move on and tie the knot. Also, it’s an outstanding chance to meet the bride’s family members and get to know her better. So, if you have such an opportunity, don’t hesitate to take it!

How much does a trip to Vietnam cost?

Vietnamese girls for sale

The average cost of a trip to Vietnam differs based on the places you want to visit, your accommodation, and the length of your trip. Yet, the average time men spend in Vietnam is 14 days, so these are the prices for such a period:

Round-trip ticket $900–$2,000
Accommodation $400–$900
Transportation $100–$300
Food $200–$800
Guided tours and tickets $300–1,300
Shopping $100–$2,000
Total cost: $2,000–$7,300

Yes, it is entirely legal to take a Vietnamese bride to the US. Yet, you’ll have to take care of the documents to make sure there won’t be any problems. Usually, mail order brides have to apply for a K-1 visa because it’s the easiest and safest way of arriving in the US. But you have to remember that you’ll need to prove the credibility of your relationships to get the visa. This implies that you should meet offline at least once and have people who can confirm this. Also, you have to know a lot about each other to answer the questions aimed at proving the validity of your relationships. 

How to marry Vietnamese wife?

This is your cheat sheet with some practical tips that will help you get the Vietnamese woman of your dreams:

Vietnamese women for marriage
  1. Choose a reliable mail order brides website (check other users’ reviews, compare the prices, look through the offered services)
  2. Create an attractive profile that has your photos and background information
  3. Select your preferences to facilitate the search and make it more accurate
  4. Reach out to Vietnamese women with whom you have a lot in common
  5. Keep chatting with several ladies until you understand that one of them attracts you the most
  6. Use various communication tools to take your relationships to another level
  7. Organize an offline date, and visit Vietnam to meet your bride
  8. Take care of all the bureaucratic activities to take your Vietnamese woman to the US
  9. Organize an engagement ceremony and a wedding
  10. Live a happy life with your charming Vietnamese wife 


Finding a gorgeous Vietnamese wife is much easier with modern technologies and the abundance of dating sites, apps, and services. They take dating to another level and help love to have no boundaries. So, if you adore Asian women and want to have a caring and wise wife, Vietnam should be your top choice.


Are mail order brides from Vietnam real?

Yes, women on reliable dating sites are real as they undergo ID verification during the registration stage.

Is it easy to find a Vietnamese wife?

A variety of dating sites can help you find a girl from Vietnam in 10 minutes. But love and creating a bond takes time.

How much is a beautiful Vietnamese bride?

The price will depend on a particular dating site you choose and your lifestyle. The sum can start with $3,000 and reach thousands of dollars.

Can I legally marry a girl from Vietnam?

Yes, Western citizens can legally marry women from Vietnam, but you need to obtain a K1 visa.

Are Vietnamese mail order brides willing to move abroad?

Majority of women that are looking for foreign husbands know moving abroad is a part of it, and they are willing to do it in the name of love.

Barrett Connell
I'm Connell Barrett and I know everything about building a successful relationship with a perfect woman. I started as a journalist but a little later I became a dating coach. I've helped thousands of single men find their soulmates online and in real life. My book, posts, and reviews assist guys in their romantic journeys.
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